Do you ship internationally?

Yes we do! Free shipping for international customers on order $300+.

Do you accept cancellations?

Cancellations are only accepted within 24 hours of placing the order. 

Do you accept returns?

Returns are accepted within 7 days of the delivery date. The item must be shipped back within 7 days for the return to be accepted. Special orders like "made to order" and discounted orders are not returnable. Please check out our Shipping + Returns for more information. 

When will I receive my order?

All orders are shipping from our dispatch location in California, USA. Depending on the efficiency of the postal service, shipping take around 3 to 5 days for US Orders. International orders will take around 1 to 2 weeks. 

If your item is damaged or broken because of the shipping process, please contact us for more information. 

"Made to Order" orders take around 4 weeks to process. Thank you for your patience.

"Pre Order Items" have different processing times. Please visit the description of the indicated item for more information. 

How do I change the shipping address?

You can email us to change the shipping address for orders that are in processing. Shipped orders or packaged and ready to ship order are not changeable.